Wanxing Samson Wang

Craft and Design Furniture, Sheridan College

     I am always passionate about woodworking, and I am pursuing my career goal to be a woodworker and designer.

     I am from China, have stayed in Canada for 8 years. I have spent many years study and work in Aviation fields, and I am currently 2nd year student at craft and design furniture program. I have relatively wide range of skills, such as woodworking, sheet metal work and circuit soldering and troubleshooting. 

     I am fascinated with work with hands. I feel calm and excited when I could alter natural materials into different art forms. Luckily, my artistic instinct could help me finalizing proportion while executing the design. I like to use organic form and soft lines to present my design, and bringing harmony and logic are my ultimate goal.

     India has very long craft history, it is very exciting for me to have this chance to see all the interesting traditional craft skills in person. In addition, religion culture is wonderful to explore, and many different architecture styles will definitely be inspiring and opening the mind. 

Here are some of my work: